Astrid & Webby's Story
Every spring brings dozens of orphaned and starving pups to our hospital—pups just like harbor seals Astrid and Webby. Upon rescue, our trained responders could see that they were weak, malnourished and much too young to survive on their own.
It was clear that Astrid and Webby had been separated from their mothers too early. Sadly, this is often due to humans or dogs getting too close and scaring the pup’s mother away for good.
Because Astrid and Webby were so young, they spent much of their time at our hospital regaining their strength and learning how to dive and catch whole fish on their own, just as they would have learned from their mothers in the wild.
Once Astrid and Webby showed our veterinarians they had the skillset needed to thrive in the wild, they were released back to the ocean with a second chance at life.
Adoption Details
When you adopt these past patients, you'll receive a personalized 7in. x 5in. physical adoption certificate with their photo and story on the back. Your symbolic adoption will make a difference in the lives of current and future patients.
Shipping Included!
This is a physical product that will be mailed to you and does not come with a digital certificate. For downloadable Adopt-a-Seal® options, visit our Digital Downloads page!