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Closeup of Guadalupe fur seal pup's face. Text reads NOAA permit #18786.

Adopt-a-Seal® - Neshema - Exclusive Digital Download!

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2020 Patient of the Year Nominee

Guadalupe fur seal Neshema was found so tangled up in heavy fishing gear that he was unable to swim well enough to catch fish. Weak and malnourished, this young fur seal faced a heartbreaking fate without help.

Trained responders rescued Neshema and he was safely brought to our hospital for the medical care he so desperately needed.

Guadalupe fur seals have one of the highest rates of entanglement among our patients, and experts are concerned that these life-threatening entrapments are harming this threatened species’ chance at recovering.

After the fishing gear was carefully removed, Neshema began to heal. Finally, after just over a month of care, Neshema was ready to return to his ocean home with a second chance at life.

Adoption Details

This is an exclusive digital-only Adopt-a-Seal®. When you adopt this patient, you’ll automatically be able to download your adoption certificate, which shares this patient's photo and story.

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Please note that this is a non-customizable, download-only certificate.