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Closeup of elephant seal pup's face.

Adopt-a-Seal® - Megan - Physical Adoption Certificate

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Megan's Story

Every spring, young elephant seals are born on beaches up and down the California coast. These pups stay on the beach while their mothers nurse them for about a month, but heavy storms can cause these pups to be washed off the beach by hazardous surf.

Once out at sea, the pups are not strong enough to swim on their own and can easily get separated from their mothers. The lucky pups that survive a rough storm may wash up on nearby beaches in need of a helping hand.

Young elephant seal Megan was not completely weaned when she became separated from her mother, and as a result, could not feed on her own and survive in the wild. At the Center, she was fed fish mash, a fish milkshake of sorts consisting of salmon oil, herring, and cream. Eventually, Megan learned how to seek and eat whole fish as part of The Center's fish school, in which volunteers teach young elephant seals how to eat fish. Once Megan was healthy, she was released back to the wild.

Adoption Details

When you adopt this past patient, you'll receive a 7in. x 5in. physical adoption certificate with the animal's photo and story on the back. Your symbolic adoption will make a difference in the lives of current and future patients.

Shipping Included!

This is a physical product that will be mailed to you and does not come with a digital certificate. For downloadable Adopt-a-Seal® options, visit our Digital Downloads page!