Inky's Story
Northern fur seal Inky was rescued weak and starving--although you might not have suspected it since he was admitted at over 215 pounds! Inky is the largest northern fur seal ever admitted to the Center, but still weighed about half of what he should have as an adult male.
Lab results confirmed out veterinarians' suspicion that Inky was suffering from domoic acid, a potentially deadly neurotoxin. This toxin can also affect humans who eat contaminated shellfish, though marine mammals are often the first to be impacted. By caring for patients like Inky, our scientists can alert authorities when we see an outbreak and help them better protect human health.
Thankfully, Inky came into our care before significant damage, and we were able to help flush the toxin from his system by giving him fluids and fish free of domoic acid. After being granted a clean bill of health, he was released back to his ocean home with a second chance.
Adoption Details
When you adopt this past patient, you'll receive a 7in. x 5in. physical adoption certificate with the animal's photo and story on the back. Your symbolic adoption will make a difference in the lives of current and future patients.
Shipping included!
This is a physical product that will be mailed to you and does not come with a digital certificate. For downloadable Adopt-a-Seal® options, visit our Digital Downloads page!