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Closeup of Steller sea lion pup.

Adopt-a-Seal® - Astro - Physical Adoption Certificate

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Astro's Story

Just days old and with no mother in sight, Astro, a Steller sea lion pup, was spotted by a researcher at Ano Nuevo Island, rescued and admitted to the Center. Astro was very young, so volunteers had to bottle-feed him a nutrient-rich formula made of ground fish, salmon oil, water and milk. Eventually, Astro learned how to seek and eat whole fish as part of the Center's fish school, in which volunteers teach young pinnipeds how to eat fish.

Astro graduated fish school with flying colors and after ten months of care at the Center, he was strong enough to go back out in to the ocean. However, despite everyone's efforts, Astro had habituated to humans and had to be rescued again. After two releases, and two returns to human populated areas, Astro was given a new home at Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut.

Adoption Details

When you adopt this past patient, you'll receive a 7in. x 5in. physical adoption certificate with the animal's photo and story on the back.  Your symbolic adoption will make a difference in the lives of current and future patients.

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Gift Package Available!

Gift package sold separately.  Purchase the matching gift package here.

This is a physical product that will be mailed to you and does not come with a digital certificate. For downloadable Adopt-a-Seal® options, visit our Digital Downloads page!