Lilarach's Story
This Guadalupe fur seal pup was rescued from Stinson Beach in Marin County. The man that called in the rescue asked his daughters to name the pup, and they put together the names of their two favorite dolls, Lila and Rach. The fur seal was underweight and dehydrated when rescued, but after months of loving care by volunteers and staff, a healthy LilaRach was released at Drakes Beach near Point Reyes National Seashore. Guadalupe fur seals are a threatened species found mostly off the coast of Mexico and occasionally off the California coast. They were once hunted almost to extinction for their luxurious fur. Now protected by U.S. and Mexican law, the population has steadily increased to over 7,000.
Adoption Details
When you adopt this past patient, you'll receive a 7in. x 5in. physical adoption certificate with the animal's photo and story on the back. Your symbolic adoption will make a difference in the lives of current and future patients.
Shipping included!
This is a physical product that will be mailed to you and does not come with a digital certificate. For downloadable Adopt-a-Seal® options, visit our Digital Downloads page!