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Hawaiian monk seal resting on floor with mouth open. Text reads NOAA permit #18786

Adopt-a-Seal® - Maka Kilo - Exclusive Digital Download!

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2020 Patient of the Year Nominee

Hawaiian monk seal pup Maka Kilo was found in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands looking much too skinny. In fact, she was so small at her time of rescue that experts estimated she had a less than one percent chance of surviving on her own during the coming winter.

As one of the most endangered marine mammals, saving an individual monk seal means everything. So it was critical that Maka Kilo be brought to Ke Kai Ola, our hospital on the Big Island dedicated to saving this endangered species, for medical care.

Once at our hospital, Maka Kilo was tube-fed a nutritious fish-mash smoothie which helped her regain her strength. For as thin as she was, Maka Kilo was playful and sociable with her pen-mate.

After months of care, this once-underweight monk seal pup grew into a seal capable of thriving in the wild. She was fitted with a satellite tag (so researchers could track her movements in the wild!) and released with three other monk seals at Midway Atoll.

Adoption Details

This is an exclusive digital-only Adopt-a-Seal®. When you adopt this patient, you’ll automatically be able to download your adoption certificate, which shares this patient's photo and story.

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